
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Beauty In The Eye

Of course art is subjective and it's the beauty of it. Several people can look at the same thing and see something different. When I took this picture, I really appreciated the symmetry and the lines and curves taking my gaze up to the sky. A friend of mine saw the little hammers that hit the strings and make the notes on a piano. I wonder what others might have seen.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Art Is Good For The Soul

We all face tragedies in our lives and we cope in different ways. For me it's been some alone time and working on an art piece that I had started a long time ago. Hours of concentration on these tiny details kept my mind busy until I was ready to acknowledge and accept the devastating loss of a very dear friend.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

New Manuscript

After publishing my collection of poems last year I decided to work on a second writing project that was just gathering dust on my desk. I reviewed and corrected a play, a comedy, that now I also want to publish. At this point I am not sure what the next step will be after publication. I do not know anybody in the theater business but I will start doing some research. It would be incredible if a small theater group was willing to stage my play.