
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Devil Is In The Details

I speak several languages, and unfortunately, I am bound to make mistakes in almost all of them, no matter how fluent I am. On top of that, punctuation positions can be different unbeknownst to us. For example, where you place a question mark after a word in English is not the same in French. It comes right after the word in English, while in French, you need a space between the two. I also wrote in French on my US computer and keyboard, prompting auto-correction of words that did not need it and that I did not catch. When proofreading a manuscript, these tiny mistakes are tedious to rectify but necessary. I often find "mistakes" when I read a text, and I do not want my readers to wonder how I could miss some in my book.

After months of corrections, the book is finally ready and is available for sale. Hopefully, we caught most of the errors, and very few, if any, remain.