Third step today towards the finish design. I planted some blue "Isotoma Fluviatilis" (Blue Star Creeper) in the star. I only had to plant patches and the grass will take over on its own and eventually fill the star. I chose this particular plant because it is easy to grow and it blooms during the whole summer getting covered with small star-shape light blue flowers. Appropriate since it is growing inside a star.
Troisième étape. J'ai plante de l'Isotoma Fluviatilis bleue dans l'étoile. Il m'a suffit de planter des morceaux et l'herbe prendra racine et remplira l'étoile après quelques mois. J'ai choisi ce couvre-sol parce que pendant presque tout l'été il se couvre de petites fleurs bleu pâle, en forme d'étoile. Parfait puisque ça va pousser a l'interieur d'une étoile.
I think you took this picture at Sea World, not in front of UCC. ;)
Don't tell Matthew :-)
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