"December 1, marked the 20th annual World AIDS Day, a special day to remind us that HIV is still a global epidemic with millions of carriers and AIDS victims of all ethnicities and orientations.
As in past years, the Chorus participated by singing at the lighting ceremony for Mama's Kitchen's Tree of Life in Village Hillcrest plaza. Before singing, the Chorus lit candles with hundreds of other attendees and observed a moment of silence to remember those in our lives who have succumbed to AIDS."
This month was very busy between work and the Chorus but it was an awesome month. My work schedule was one of the best I have ever had with 3 trips to Australia (my favorite destination for work). I also had all the days off I needed for the Chorus without having to change a thing. Pretty lucky when you consider that I needed the whole week before our shows since we had rehearsal almost every night. Lots of work since I took the helms of the Production team at the last minute. A week of sleepless nights and busy days, sewing, cutting, painting, etc... I was afraid I would be so tired I would not be able to sing but all went well. The shows were great and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Norman and I were asked by the Artistic Director to produce the next show as well but I have not given an answer yet. It is a LOT of work, and it is also hard to sing and produce at the same time.
Even though, I realize more and more that I love the behind the scenes aspect of production. I love being on stage singing but it is a completely different satisfaction to produce. To have a vision and see it come to life is exhilarating. The behind the scenes portion of DVDs always fascinates me. I love to see how they did this and that and how with some fabric, 2 nails and 3 safety pins they build a city... :-)
I used that in this show. Illusions and trompe-l'oeils.
Otherwise work has been great. My last trip to Australia was I believe last May so I was eager to go back. It's summer there right night so it's the perfect time to go. All 3 flights were good and the lay-overs were awesome. I worked with some friends or met some down there who had arrived on other flights. Lots of hiking, laying on the beach, little soirees in one of our hotel rooms. On Christmas' Eve day, I met with Scott, Karl and Kurt, and had probably the best day of my whole career at United. We met for lunch, went shopping in the afternoon, and had our get together that evening until 2am. We laughed so much all day that our jaws were hurting (and that was before we even started to drink!). I am surprised we did not get kicked out of the mall in the afternoon and that the hotel did not call security because we were having too much fun and were too loud.
Not a bad way to end the year. 2008 was tough for most of us and hopefully 2009 will bring some good things in our lives.