
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Entrainement -Training

Matthew et moi avons décidé de faire le Rock & Roll Marathon de San Diego. En fait lui va courir et moi je vais marcher. On nous donne 7 heures pour parcourir une distance de 42 kilomètres. Je sais que je peux marcher pendant 7 heures car je l'ai déjà fait à Paris et à Sydney plusieurs fois mais par contre je ne sais pas quelle distance j'ai parcouru. En général je me promène dans la ville sans destination précise en écoutant ma musique et en regardant simplement les paysages. Je sais que je peux marcher assez vite mais j'ai voulu connaitre exactement ma vitesse. Avec le GPS sur mon téléphone j'ai calculé que je marchais à une vitesse entre 7 et 8 km/h. Pas mauvais du tout. A cette vitesse là, 7 heures est amplement suffisant. Toute cette semaine j'ai marché entre 8 et 20 kilomètres tous les jours. Ça me prend entre 1 heure et 2 heures 30 minutes. Je peux soutenir mon rythme du début à la fin mais ce n'est même pas la moitié du parcours que je vais devoir faire. Matthew a un planning qu'il suit pour s'entraîner et il doit faire différentes distances chaque jour. Je suppose que je peux faire pareil. Il faudra quand même que je fasse les 42 kilomètres au moins une fois avant le marathon.
Le marathon aura lieu le 6 Juin 2009 dans San Diego. Il faut que je continue mon entrainement pour que mes muscles s'habituent à l'effort. Jusqu'à présent je n'ai eu aucune crampe pendant mes marches.
Hier Samedi, et aujourd'hui repos. Si je ne travaille pas demain, je ferais une marche de 3 heures.
Bruler toutes ces calories m'a aussi permis de faire quelques excès quand à la nourriture. Cette semaine j'avais fait un pudding (d'après une recette de Paula Dean) que j'adore mais qui a plus de 600 calories par tranche. La crème, le sucre et le beurre y sont en abondance. Je vais essayer la recette en substituant ces ingrédients pour réduire le nombre de calories car c'est le meilleur pudding que j'ai jamais mangé.

Matthew and I decided to do the San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon. In fact he will run and I will walk. They give us 7 hours to do 26.2 miles. I know that I can walk for 7 hours because I have done it before in Paris and Sydney several times but I do not know what distance I walked. I usually stroll around town without a destination listening to my music and simply looking at sceneries. I know that I can walk quite fast but I wanted to know my exact pace. With the GPS on my phone I calculated that I was going at a speed between 4,5 and 5 mph. Not bad at all. If I keep that pace, 7 hours is more than enough. All this week I walked between 5 and 12 miles every day. It takes me from 1 hour to 2 1/2 hours. I can keep my pace from beginning to end but that's not even half of the distance I will have to do. Matthew has a schedule he follows to train, and he must run different distances every day. I guess I can do the same. Still, I guess I will have to walk the whole 26 miles at least once before the race.
The marathon will take place on June 6, 2009 in San Diego. I have to keep on training so my muscles get used to the effort. So far I haven't got a cramp during my walks.
Yesterday Saturday, and today, I rest. If I do not work tomorrow, I will walk for 3 hours.
Burning all those calories also allows me to eat a little bit more and do some excess. This week I had made a pudding (it's a Paula Dean recipe Paula Dean) that I love but has more than 600 calories per slice. The heavy cream, the sugar and the butter are the main ingredients. I will try to substitute them to reduce the number of calories, because it's the best pudding I have ever eaten.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Time and time again.....

- Excuse me Sir, what time is it? asked the young man as I was passing by.
- In Los Angeles or in Sydney? I replied, being used to hearing that question 100 times per flight.
- No the time here, the guy replied.
- We go by the time of our departure city or our destination. We are in the middle of nowhere right now and the "here" time would not be relevant.
- Uh?
- L.A. or Sydney time?
- Forget it.

As I walked away, I wondered why so many people seemed to be fixated on time. Is it because they feel they have no control over their journey and try to put it into some kind of personal perspective? "What time do we land?", "What time is it?", "How much longer?". Of course I could blame the lack of comfort for most of those questions, but even our customers in the "good" seats want to know.

- How much longer before we land?
- Are you sure you want to know, I reply with a smile.
- Yes.
- We still have about 10 hours.
- No that's not possible; still?
- If you won't believe me, don't ask me, I thought to myself but said "I warned you. You should try to sleep."

Everybody has a watch or a cell phone but still feel the need to ask the crew. Do they think "our" time goes faster than theirs? The map on the video screen also shows where we are and how much flight time we have left. Still not good enough. They have to ask us. We must be "in the know" or something....have some information that is only shared with the customers on a need-to-know basis.

- Sir do you know what time we land?
- Yes, I reply as I keep on walking.....