This week I left for Narita not actually believing that my schedule has been so good lately. It seems that every time I feel like I have reached a turning point because I am fed up with work and the lack of control on where I travel to, things take a 180 degrees. In January I had my best schedule since 9/11 and I was ready to be not so lucky in February. Since I was on vacations the first 2 weeks of the month, I thought I would have to pay for all this. So far it has not been the case. I went to Honk Kong last week and Tokyo this week.
This last trip to Narita was another reason why I love my job. Besides the financial difference, you actually get to go places and do something. Most domestic lay-overs are short and you usually stay in a hotel by the airport. You get there, go to bed, get back on a plane in the morning. Internationally you still have time, although stays have gotten shorter and shorter, to visit and experience the cities where you are.
I took the shuttle to the Keisei train station in Narita and walked to the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple. I have been there years ago on one of my very first trips to Japan. Today is a beautiful, sunny but brisk day. It is very windy and the sun has a hard time fighting the cold air. There is barely anybody else on the ground and I feel like I have the whole place to myself. The temple is in the middle of the town but the grounds are quiet and peaceful and I have them almost to myself. I walk around for almost 2 hours and take in as much as I can. I guess it had been a long time since my visit as I do not recall a lot of the spots.
To get to the photo albums click on the link below. Pour acceder aux albums photos suivez le lien ci-dessous.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Hong Kong in 40 hours, alone
What a difference a crew can make. My last trip to Hong Kong in December was one of the best ever because my crew was awesome and we did a lot together (see entry "Hong Kong in 40 hours" below).
This time my crew was nice but definitely older and people had their little routine which did not include playing tourist and hanging together. Which was fine; I am used to do a lot on my own on lay-overs or even on vacations.
On this trip I walked a lot and visited areas we did not go to in December. The weather was still beautiful and I took the subway just to go to and from Kowloon.
To get to the photo albums click on the link below. Pour acceder aux albums photos suivez le lien ci-dessous.
This time my crew was nice but definitely older and people had their little routine which did not include playing tourist and hanging together. Which was fine; I am used to do a lot on my own on lay-overs or even on vacations.
On this trip I walked a lot and visited areas we did not go to in December. The weather was still beautiful and I took the subway just to go to and from Kowloon.
To get to the photo albums click on the link below. Pour acceder aux albums photos suivez le lien ci-dessous.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Cruise 02/08
Day 1
There we are. The day has finally arrived. After a few close calls we were able to keep Michael in the dark about our destination. Until the last minute he probably thought that we were on our way to the airport. He hates surprises and this mystery was killing. But he was a good sport and apart from trying to trick me into giving him any indication that would have given him a clue, he waited for today. He got nothing from Norman either who got him even more confused by packing winter clothes along with what we would really need for our trip.
So here we are on the Dawn Princess. Actually of the four of us, I am the only one who has been on a cruise before. It is my 4th one. I think all three are a little overwhelmed but hopefully very excited at the same time. We have all been busy but Matt, Mike and Norm will benefit the most of this week off. In January, I flew more than I usually do but because of the great trips, I feel like I have been on vacations. We settle, then explore the ship. After dinner we are all tired and retire early.
Day 2
Since we all went to bed early I woke up at 3:33am; then I looked at the time every hour after that. Finally it is 7:15 and I get ready to go to the gym...I had forgotten that we changed time zone and now it is actually 8:30, time we had decided upon tu go to breakfast. So we go to breakfast. The gym is not going anywhere.
We had a good and relaxing day. Tonight we are all dressed up for dinner and enjoy a wonderful meal followed by a show.
Gym. We are entering the bay of Cabo San Lucas and the scenery is pretty. Mike saw a whale breach but all I saw were white spouts of water as at least 4 or 5 whales moved not far from the ship. We leave the ship after breakfast to go ashore.
Colors surround us. The sky is cloudless now and the sun is shinning. The cool breeze keeps the temperature down though. The water is a deeper blue but gently turns to a beautiful hue of green as you get closer to shore. The sand is a pale gold color and feels coarse under the feet. Not the soft feeling I am used to. The rock formations are different shades of brown. From soft curves to straight jagged edges, they pull you in as you look for familiar shapes.
Day 4
By the time I make it to the gym we already are inside the harbor of the port of Mazatlan. The surroundings look completely different. We went from a vacation spot with facilities that sprung up (and still do) from the tourists' needs to an old town where people live and work.
After breakfast we disembark and take a cab to go to Old Town. We visit the cathedral where they are actually performing a mass for Ash Wednesday. A quick walk around the town square and we are not sure of what else to do. The town is not particularly pretty nor interesting. People go about their business and their daily lives.
We take an open cab to go to the Golden Zone where the beach is. We have lunch there. It is rather breezy and chilly so we decide to go back to the ship.
Day 5
We are at the Blue Chairs in Puerto Vallarta. We came here after our ride to Chicos Paradise for lunch. The setting is pretty. The weather is beautiful, warm and sunny; all those chairs facing the ocean; all those beautiful bodies... parading up and down the beach. I do not know why this has no appeal to me. I know that when on vacations you need to relax, let loose a little, have some fun but this is just not my idea of vacations. I do not understand that you would actually fly to another country to lay on a beach and drink everyday. Vacations for me of course are a time of relaxation, but also a time to experience new things and new cultures. I want to discover new places and know a little bit more about the world around me. There is not enough time (and usually not enough money) to visit all the countries I want to go to.
Day 6 & 7
We spend 2 days at see on our way back to San Diego. We relax and play trivia and spend time with the friends that we made on the ship, Matt and Ryan.
Day 8
We are back home. At least I have a few more days off before I have to go back to work. That is not the case for the others.
Cruising down the coast - February 08
The pictures in the videos are in no particular order. To get to the photo albums click on the link below.
Pour acceder aux albums photos suivez le lien ci-dessous.
There we are. The day has finally arrived. After a few close calls we were able to keep Michael in the dark about our destination. Until the last minute he probably thought that we were on our way to the airport. He hates surprises and this mystery was killing. But he was a good sport and apart from trying to trick me into giving him any indication that would have given him a clue, he waited for today. He got nothing from Norman either who got him even more confused by packing winter clothes along with what we would really need for our trip.
So here we are on the Dawn Princess. Actually of the four of us, I am the only one who has been on a cruise before. It is my 4th one. I think all three are a little overwhelmed but hopefully very excited at the same time. We have all been busy but Matt, Mike and Norm will benefit the most of this week off. In January, I flew more than I usually do but because of the great trips, I feel like I have been on vacations. We settle, then explore the ship. After dinner we are all tired and retire early.
Day 2
Since we all went to bed early I woke up at 3:33am; then I looked at the time every hour after that. Finally it is 7:15 and I get ready to go to the gym...I had forgotten that we changed time zone and now it is actually 8:30, time we had decided upon tu go to breakfast. So we go to breakfast. The gym is not going anywhere.
We had a good and relaxing day. Tonight we are all dressed up for dinner and enjoy a wonderful meal followed by a show.
Gym. We are entering the bay of Cabo San Lucas and the scenery is pretty. Mike saw a whale breach but all I saw were white spouts of water as at least 4 or 5 whales moved not far from the ship. We leave the ship after breakfast to go ashore.
Colors surround us. The sky is cloudless now and the sun is shinning. The cool breeze keeps the temperature down though. The water is a deeper blue but gently turns to a beautiful hue of green as you get closer to shore. The sand is a pale gold color and feels coarse under the feet. Not the soft feeling I am used to. The rock formations are different shades of brown. From soft curves to straight jagged edges, they pull you in as you look for familiar shapes.
Day 4
By the time I make it to the gym we already are inside the harbor of the port of Mazatlan. The surroundings look completely different. We went from a vacation spot with facilities that sprung up (and still do) from the tourists' needs to an old town where people live and work.
After breakfast we disembark and take a cab to go to Old Town. We visit the cathedral where they are actually performing a mass for Ash Wednesday. A quick walk around the town square and we are not sure of what else to do. The town is not particularly pretty nor interesting. People go about their business and their daily lives.
We take an open cab to go to the Golden Zone where the beach is. We have lunch there. It is rather breezy and chilly so we decide to go back to the ship.
Day 5
We are at the Blue Chairs in Puerto Vallarta. We came here after our ride to Chicos Paradise for lunch. The setting is pretty. The weather is beautiful, warm and sunny; all those chairs facing the ocean; all those beautiful bodies... parading up and down the beach. I do not know why this has no appeal to me. I know that when on vacations you need to relax, let loose a little, have some fun but this is just not my idea of vacations. I do not understand that you would actually fly to another country to lay on a beach and drink everyday. Vacations for me of course are a time of relaxation, but also a time to experience new things and new cultures. I want to discover new places and know a little bit more about the world around me. There is not enough time (and usually not enough money) to visit all the countries I want to go to.
Day 6 & 7
We spend 2 days at see on our way back to San Diego. We relax and play trivia and spend time with the friends that we made on the ship, Matt and Ryan.
Day 8
We are back home. At least I have a few more days off before I have to go back to work. That is not the case for the others.
Cruising down the coast - February 08
The pictures in the videos are in no particular order. To get to the photo albums click on the link below.
Pour acceder aux albums photos suivez le lien ci-dessous.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Summer "Down Under"
Troisième vol en Australie. C'est probablement mon meilleur planning depuis que je suis avec United. Ce serait super si ça pouvait être comme ça tous les mois. Le retour à la réalité sera dur le mois prochain mais au moins j'en aurais bien profité. Cette fois-ci j'ai travaillé de nouveau avec Michelle, qui elle aussi était avec moi à Hong Kong en Décembre. Avec Nathaly, une autre collegue nous avions plein de projets pour notre séjour. Nous sommes arrivés à Sydney le 26, qui est "Australia Day" (la fête nationale) et il y avait du monde partout et des manifestations prévues dans toute la ville. Le temps magnifique s'est prété aux festivités.
Le lendemain nous sommes allés en randonnée dans les "Blue Mountains" (Montagnes Bleues) avec Marese une amie à Nathaly. Nous avons passé une journée superbe. Je n'en dis pas plus et vous laisse regarder la vidéo. Pour accéder aux albums photos, utilisez le lien sous la grille photos à gauche.
Third trip to Australia. This probably is the best schedule I ever had since I have been with United. It would be wonderful if it could always be like this. The return to reality will be harsh next month but I would have enjoyed every second of it. This time I worked again with Michelle who was also with me on the Hong Kong trip in December. Wit another colleague, Nathaly, we had a lot planned for our stay. We arrived in Sydney on the 26, which is Australia Day (their 4th of July) and there were people everywhere. There were things planned all around town and the awesome weather allowed all the festivities.
The next day we went hiking in the Blue Mountains with Marese, one of Nathaly's friends. We spent a great day. I will not say more and just let you watch the video. To get to the photo album click on the link under the picture grid on the left.
Le lendemain nous sommes allés en randonnée dans les "Blue Mountains" (Montagnes Bleues) avec Marese une amie à Nathaly. Nous avons passé une journée superbe. Je n'en dis pas plus et vous laisse regarder la vidéo. Pour accéder aux albums photos, utilisez le lien sous la grille photos à gauche.
Third trip to Australia. This probably is the best schedule I ever had since I have been with United. It would be wonderful if it could always be like this. The return to reality will be harsh next month but I would have enjoyed every second of it. This time I worked again with Michelle who was also with me on the Hong Kong trip in December. Wit another colleague, Nathaly, we had a lot planned for our stay. We arrived in Sydney on the 26, which is Australia Day (their 4th of July) and there were people everywhere. There were things planned all around town and the awesome weather allowed all the festivities.
The next day we went hiking in the Blue Mountains with Marese, one of Nathaly's friends. We spent a great day. I will not say more and just let you watch the video. To get to the photo album click on the link under the picture grid on the left.
Summer in January
When I got my schedule for January, I thought there had been a mistake. I was number 34 for an International schedule. I thought maybe about 2000 people died or misbid or both. I did not want to get excited and waited for the crew desk to call and tell me that there had been a oomputer glitch.
I was home a couple of days and played a little bit with my new "toy". For Christmas, I bought myself an an iMac and barely took it out of the box before leaving for my trip on the 26. I have wanted one for a long time but my design or graphic programs were all made for Windows. I finally took the leap. It is beautiful! I know that is a little corny but it truly is a beautiful machine aesthetically speaking. I love the fact that I do not have a tower anymore since all the components are in the screen. Even the keyboard is smaller and slimmer than my old one. I went from 15 cables behind my desk to only 5 and 3 are for the cable modem and the router. If I had put those in Matt's room (like I almost did because of technical difficulties) I would have just 2 cables. How awesome is that. I still have a lot to learn before becoming an "official" Mac user but I am sure with time, I will master Leopard.

Quand j'ai eu mon planning pour Janvier, j'ai cru qu'il y avait une erreur. J'étais numero 34 pour une ligne internationale. J'ai pensé que soit 2000 personnes étaient mortes ou avaient oublié de mettre leur demandes dans l'ordinateur. Je ne voulais pas m'exciter trop vite de peur que le boulot m'appelle pour me dire qu'il y avait eu un problème avec notre système informatique.
J'étais à la maison pendant quelques jours et je me suis amusé avec mon nouveu jouet. Pour Noël, je me suis offert un nouvel ordinateur, un iMac et jusque la j'avais a peine eu le temps de l'enlever de sa boite avant de partir en vol le 26 Décembre. Cela faisait longtemps que j'en voulais un mais les programmes informatiques que j'utilise étaient tous pour Windows. J'ai finalement franchi le pas. Il est tres beau! Je sais c'est un peu bête mais c'est vraiment une belle machine. Je n'ai plus de console puique tous les éléments sont dans l'écran. Même le clavier est plus petit que celui que j'avais avant. Je suis passé de 15 cables derrière mon bureau à seulement 5 et 3 sont pour le cable et le routeur. Si je les avaient mis dans la chambre de Matthew comme j'ai failli le faire à cause de difficultés techniques, j'aurais seulement 2 cables. C'est super. J'ai encore beaucoup à apprendre avant de devenir un "vrai" utilisateur de Mac mais je suis sur que je saurais vite dompter Lepoard.
January 1st came and nothing happened. The crew desk did not call and I left for Australia on that day. Sydney is my favorite lay-over. The city is beautiful and we are there for 53 hours. Our next longest lay-over is HKG with 40 hours. Pretty much everywhere else we go, we only stay a quick 25 hours.
On that first trip I was working again with Joanne, and we started making plans right away. The crew was ok but we did not really click with anybody else so once there we did our own things, just the two of us. It is summer right now in Australia and the weather was just perfect. We worked out, walked around town, went to the movies.....
Our second day we went on a wine tour in the Hunter Valley, which Joanne chose.....ironic since she does not drink! She did taste a few of the wines but even without that it was an awesome day. The weather was great and we visited some beautiful areas.
Le 1er Janvier je suis parti en Australie. Sydney est mon séjour préféré. La ville est superbe et nous sommes là pour 53 heures. Aprè ça le plus long séjour est Hong Kong avec 40 heures. Tous nos autres séjours internationaux sont de 25 heures.
Sur ce vol, j'ai travaillé de nouveau avec Joanne et nous avons commencé tout de suite à planifier notre visite. C'est le printemps en ce moment en Australie et le temps etait parfait. Nous avons fait de l'exercice, marché un peu partout, sommes allés au ciné...
Le deuxieme jour nous avons fait la visite de plusieurs vignobles dans la Hunter Valley....c'est assez ironique puique c'est ce que Joanne voulait faire, mais elle ne boit pas d'alcohol. Elle a gouté a quelques vins mais même sans ça, ce fut une journée super.
I was home a couple of days and played a little bit with my new "toy". For Christmas, I bought myself an an iMac and barely took it out of the box before leaving for my trip on the 26. I have wanted one for a long time but my design or graphic programs were all made for Windows. I finally took the leap. It is beautiful! I know that is a little corny but it truly is a beautiful machine aesthetically speaking. I love the fact that I do not have a tower anymore since all the components are in the screen. Even the keyboard is smaller and slimmer than my old one. I went from 15 cables behind my desk to only 5 and 3 are for the cable modem and the router. If I had put those in Matt's room (like I almost did because of technical difficulties) I would have just 2 cables. How awesome is that. I still have a lot to learn before becoming an "official" Mac user but I am sure with time, I will master Leopard.

Quand j'ai eu mon planning pour Janvier, j'ai cru qu'il y avait une erreur. J'étais numero 34 pour une ligne internationale. J'ai pensé que soit 2000 personnes étaient mortes ou avaient oublié de mettre leur demandes dans l'ordinateur. Je ne voulais pas m'exciter trop vite de peur que le boulot m'appelle pour me dire qu'il y avait eu un problème avec notre système informatique.
J'étais à la maison pendant quelques jours et je me suis amusé avec mon nouveu jouet. Pour Noël, je me suis offert un nouvel ordinateur, un iMac et jusque la j'avais a peine eu le temps de l'enlever de sa boite avant de partir en vol le 26 Décembre. Cela faisait longtemps que j'en voulais un mais les programmes informatiques que j'utilise étaient tous pour Windows. J'ai finalement franchi le pas. Il est tres beau! Je sais c'est un peu bête mais c'est vraiment une belle machine. Je n'ai plus de console puique tous les éléments sont dans l'écran. Même le clavier est plus petit que celui que j'avais avant. Je suis passé de 15 cables derrière mon bureau à seulement 5 et 3 sont pour le cable et le routeur. Si je les avaient mis dans la chambre de Matthew comme j'ai failli le faire à cause de difficultés techniques, j'aurais seulement 2 cables. C'est super. J'ai encore beaucoup à apprendre avant de devenir un "vrai" utilisateur de Mac mais je suis sur que je saurais vite dompter Lepoard.
January 1st came and nothing happened. The crew desk did not call and I left for Australia on that day. Sydney is my favorite lay-over. The city is beautiful and we are there for 53 hours. Our next longest lay-over is HKG with 40 hours. Pretty much everywhere else we go, we only stay a quick 25 hours.
On that first trip I was working again with Joanne, and we started making plans right away. The crew was ok but we did not really click with anybody else so once there we did our own things, just the two of us. It is summer right now in Australia and the weather was just perfect. We worked out, walked around town, went to the movies.....
Our second day we went on a wine tour in the Hunter Valley, which Joanne chose.....ironic since she does not drink! She did taste a few of the wines but even without that it was an awesome day. The weather was great and we visited some beautiful areas.
Le 1er Janvier je suis parti en Australie. Sydney est mon séjour préféré. La ville est superbe et nous sommes là pour 53 heures. Aprè ça le plus long séjour est Hong Kong avec 40 heures. Tous nos autres séjours internationaux sont de 25 heures.
Sur ce vol, j'ai travaillé de nouveau avec Joanne et nous avons commencé tout de suite à planifier notre visite. C'est le printemps en ce moment en Australie et le temps etait parfait. Nous avons fait de l'exercice, marché un peu partout, sommes allés au ciné...
Le deuxieme jour nous avons fait la visite de plusieurs vignobles dans la Hunter Valley....c'est assez ironique puique c'est ce que Joanne voulait faire, mais elle ne boit pas d'alcohol. Elle a gouté a quelques vins mais même sans ça, ce fut une journée super.
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