There's nothing worse than to find out that someone you thought was nice, turns out to be a complete a#$%@%&. I have had several famous persons on my flights through the years. Singers, actors, politicians..., and before actually meeting them, you only have a vague idea of how they are in real life. Our perception from what we read in the papers and magazines or what we see on TV, is just that; a perception. Some celebrities are close to who they appear to be on TV, others are completely different.
Today I had Colin Farrell on my flight. He is as ruggedly handsome in real life as he is on TV or in the magazines. I do not get star stuck and I treat all my passengers the same, so although I acknowledged him when he boarded, I kept on doing my job like any other day.
He is actually the one who addressed me first. He asked me where I was from (because of my accent) and from that I realized that I did not really expect any interaction with him, except for the minimal contact in the scope of my duties. It was a short flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco. A long conversation with anybody was out of the question and I had 23 other customers to attend. However we were able to exchange a few more words before landing and I learned that he was on his way to Shanghai for vacations.
I guess I was surprised that he was such a normal guy. He did not fit the picture that the magazines give of him at all. He was polite, charming, easy to talk to. The bad boy image that we are used to have associated with him, was not there at all.
It is for sure better to expect the worse and be pleasantly surprised than the other way around. Or maybe I am just ruining the "Bad Boy" image he is working so hard to upheld...